Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 May you think that this topic is out of our mission towards subjects.But trust me, read this post, you will get your answer. 

If you are going to buy a new book please don't be too fast in buying the book. Many people have this behaviour that whenever they see a book, with nice name and cover, they directly buy that book. Believe me, this way of buying books decrease the value of book. 

Now, if you are not of this type then this post is for you. India's Great scientist and former President (Lt) Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam said that "A good book is equal to thousand friends while a good friend is equal to a library. "This quotation is absolutely right. But Here I am going to talk something different about this quotation. No doubt, a good friend is equal to a library but careful and read again this statement. Here Kalam Sahab talking about a good friend. And finding a good friend is really near to impossible. But finding a good book comparatively easy. So, buy a good book which is equal to thausand friends. 

Now, the question is How you know that which book is good? This task is also not hard but you can do it if you stop yourself for a while.

If here I explain each and every line then this post beacome to long so try to read between the lines.

At first, the book you want to buy, must aquire some information about the content and also go through the comparative format. You should google it and also search the best books on the same topic and compare every book. No matter writer is so good or famous. You should buy that book which has a great content, concept, morality and a simple language. Try to read minimum two to three book on the same topic. Because the content of the book depends on the purpose for which it is written and always consult with your teacher and others. And after that you will be definitely able to buy a good book equal to thausand friends and this book give you a new way of thinking, new concepts and will take you on a trip to world tour.



Special thanks to my Dear friend Govind Tripathi. 


If you have any doubt or feedback or a whol new topic for me. please comment or mail me. Thankyou