Thursday, August 6, 2020

Definition of mathematics

The very basic definition of Mathematics is " Mathematics is a launguage of science. " In this definition, mathematicians consider the math as a launguage which helps science to become more broader and deeper. No,  doubt this definition is quite accurate. But here we see a another view of Mathematics and other definitions which made mathematics more than we think. Before going further in this topics,  let take same example to illustrate that mathematics is not only a launguage. It is a separate subject and also the maker of different subjects or in the joke form mathematics is a naughty boy which interfere in every subject. Let talk about probability.If you are a mathematics student of intermediate or above then you know this dangerous subject ( just joking). What you think about this? This is a new expect of seeing things. Probability as a mathematics does many and many problems solution. But as we know the nature of mathematics it interfere in other subject like physics, chemistry, biology, zology, cosmology, astronomy, and specially quantum physics. By this example  you will get my point what I am want to illustrate. So, Now we have done the work which is needed before going through the definitions of mathematics written by the great ones. Please, read all these definitions between the lines and feel the broadness of mathematics.script data-ad-client="pub-8255836154742042" async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication .com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js">



Mathematics has no generally accepted definition. 

1) Aristotle defined mathematicis as : The science of quantity.
2)The science of indirect measurement..  ---AUGUSTE COMTE. 
3) mathematics is the science that draws necessary conclusions.  --Benjamin Peirce. 
4)The abstract science which investigates deductively the conclusion implicit in the elementary conceptions of spatial and numerical relations,  and which includes as its main division geometry, arithmetic and algebra.    ---Oxford English Dictionary. 

Some playful, metaphorical and poetic definitions:

1) A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there.  --- Charles Darwin

2) A mathematician like a painter or poet is a maker of patterns.  If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. --G H Hardy

After reading all this i hope now you think mathematics more broader and more interesting. Thanks. 



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