Monday, August 17, 2020

How many states of matter 3, 4 or 5 ?

 In very basic classes we read and learn that there are three states of matter mainly. Have you ever noticed the word "mainly "? If not then be careful that every book use these type of words very frequently. 
Now come on our topic. There are four states of matter exist in normal condition or naturally 

1) Solid


3) Gas


Once again careful while reading the words "normal conditions ".It may possible that you have a question that if normally four states of matter exist then what about abnormal conditions? I will give the answer of this question in this post but firstly I discuss here about these four states.

1) Solid:- 

In this state of matter the molecules are very closely packed and have definite shape and volume. Molecules in solid states have kinetic energy less than the kinetic energy of molecules in liquid or gas state. (why?) 

2) liquid :-

Molecules in liquid states less paked as compared to solid. Liquid have definite volume but indefinite shape. And kinetic energy of molecules in liquid state greater than the kinetic energy of molecules in solid state. (why?). 

3) Gas:-

Gas have neither definite volume nor definite shape. The kinetic energy of molecules of gas is greater than the kinetic energy of molecules of liquid and solid. 

4) Plasma:-

This state of matter is firstly described by Lrving Langmuir in 1920s. Here I am not discussing, how this states of matter is obtained? This states of matter consists of a gas of ions-atoms which have some of their orbital electrons removed and free electrons. Lighting is one of the generators of plasma. The plasma state is obtained in many phenomenon and also obtained artificially.
     This is a brief description about these four states of matter but this is only a drop from the ocean. Now again let come on our main question that what about abnormal conditions? How many states of matter?  Before giving the answer of this question I cleared you that this topic is very broad and many and many researches are going on. So, here is brief of this topic. 
Many other intermediate states of matter exist as "liquid crystal". Some states of matter exist only in extreme conditions such as Bose-Einstein condensates,quark-gluon plasma and neutron degenerate matter. These states of matter occur only at extreme cold, extremely high energy and extreme density respectively. Many other states of matter are also exist  that can be classified on the basis of following terms:-

1)Non- classical states. 

2)Low-temperature states.

3)High-energy states. 

4)Very high energy states. 

5)other proposed states

        So,  mainly there are four states of matter but at extreme conditions many and many states of matter exist. And reseches are going on. So, don't be a student of books, be a student which always update his/her knowledge. And read book carefully not as a newspaper. 

     Shivam kumar ojha 


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