Sunday, August 9, 2020

Biology with Physics, chemistry and Mathematics

Connection of Mathematics, Physics,  Chemistry with Biology:

Today I amd here with a whole new subject, biology.Commonly most of student think Biology is a subject in which we read zology and Botany. But Biology is beacome vast with the help of other subjects as Maths,  physics,  chemistry and others. And also clear one thing if you didn't want to involve these subjects you can't be a good biology student beacuse biology is deeply connected with these subjects and you stuck in many chapters with use mathematicians, Physics,  Chemistry in biology. So, in today's topic I tries my best to gave you a right way to think about biology. I suggest you to take a pen copy with you.
A term DNA, is most common and important in biology. This term contain physics, chemistry, mathematics in  interseting way. 
As you know a DNA molecule contain four bases

1) Adenine(A)

 2) Cytosine(C)



These four bases are cause a DNA molecule. What is the probability in universe for combining these bases in right way to form DNA. I am not going so deep in this question but I gave you a idea if we consider 10 factors for conbinig this molecules in right ration then there is 1 situation from the 10! that cause a DNA. Here you see how physucs and mathematics are connected in this topic. Now,  after this How this four molecules are connected? What is nature of bond between them?  These questions are answered by Chemistry very easily and after all these mind blowing process we get our common DNA and futher work is done in biology as you known more than me. Further, For  Diffrenciate  between two DNA molecule we use Newton- Fourier series for 3rd dimension.
Now if you geeting bored take simple example, Photosynthesis .


The process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms activities. 
Here the reaction
Carbon dioxide +water --> sugar + oxygen

More deeply:

The above equation is not balanced. Balance this equation by the use of mathematics ЁЯШБ.These all interconnectio of chemistry,physics,mathematics made Biology hard, interesting, smart and beautiful. So,  please always go  deep in topic as much possible for your level. Now I end this topic with a question
What is the molecular formula of chlorophyll.?


                Shivam kumar ojha


If you have any doubt or feedback or a whol new topic for me. please comment or mail me. Thankyou