Monday, August 17, 2020

How many states of matter 3, 4 or 5 ?

 In very basic classes we read and learn that there are three states of matter mainly. Have you ever noticed the word "mainly "? If not then be careful that every book use these type of words very frequently. 
Now come on our topic. There are four states of matter exist in normal condition or naturally 

1) Solid


3) Gas


Once again careful while reading the words "normal conditions ".It may possible that you have a question that if normally four states of matter exist then what about abnormal conditions? I will give the answer of this question in this post but firstly I discuss here about these four states.

1) Solid:- 

In this state of matter the molecules are very closely packed and have definite shape and volume. Molecules in solid states have kinetic energy less than the kinetic energy of molecules in liquid or gas state. (why?) 

2) liquid :-

Molecules in liquid states less paked as compared to solid. Liquid have definite volume but indefinite shape. And kinetic energy of molecules in liquid state greater than the kinetic energy of molecules in solid state. (why?). 

3) Gas:-

Gas have neither definite volume nor definite shape. The kinetic energy of molecules of gas is greater than the kinetic energy of molecules of liquid and solid. 

4) Plasma:-

This state of matter is firstly described by Lrving Langmuir in 1920s. Here I am not discussing, how this states of matter is obtained? This states of matter consists of a gas of ions-atoms which have some of their orbital electrons removed and free electrons. Lighting is one of the generators of plasma. The plasma state is obtained in many phenomenon and also obtained artificially.
     This is a brief description about these four states of matter but this is only a drop from the ocean. Now again let come on our main question that what about abnormal conditions? How many states of matter?  Before giving the answer of this question I cleared you that this topic is very broad and many and many researches are going on. So, here is brief of this topic. 
Many other intermediate states of matter exist as "liquid crystal". Some states of matter exist only in extreme conditions such as Bose-Einstein condensates,quark-gluon plasma and neutron degenerate matter. These states of matter occur only at extreme cold, extremely high energy and extreme density respectively. Many other states of matter are also exist  that can be classified on the basis of following terms:-

1)Non- classical states. 

2)Low-temperature states.

3)High-energy states. 

4)Very high energy states. 

5)other proposed states

        So,  mainly there are four states of matter but at extreme conditions many and many states of matter exist. And reseches are going on. So, don't be a student of books, be a student which always update his/her knowledge. And read book carefully not as a newspaper. 

     Shivam kumar ojha 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

मीठा खाकर पानी पीने की परम्परा, क्यों?

 हमारे पूर्वज बहुत ही वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण के थे। और इस बात को हमे मान ही लेना चाहिए। कयोंकि  हमारे पूर्वजों द्वारा कही गई  कहावत,उनके छोटे-छोटे नुस्खे सच माने तो विज्ञान के बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण नियमों तथा लाभों के उदाहरण हैं। उन्हीं छोटे लेकिन सचमुच में कारगर तरीकों में से एक आज का विषय है। जैसा की हमने हमेशा सुना है देखा है तथा किया भी है  कि जब भी हम बाहर से अपने घर जाएं या कोई हमारे घर ही आए तो हम उसे पानी के साथ- साथ कुछ मीठा खाने को भी देते हैं। सोचने वाली बात तो यह है कि एसा क्यों ? क्या सिर्फ पानी पीने से से प्यास नहीं बुझती या हमें कोई अच्छी नमकिन ही दे दी जाए पानी के साथ, परन्तु हमें  हमेशा से मीठी चीज ही मिलती है। अगर हम गंभीर हो कर देखें तो इस परम्परा के पीछे भी हमें विज्ञान का ही नियम दिखेगा। और तब हमें अपनी माँ पर गर्व होगा कि वो हमें सादा पानी पीने तथा पिलाने पर डांटती है।

       इस परम्परा के पीछे जो विज्ञान है आइये अब उसे देखते हैं।अगर हम ध्यान दें  तो पानी चीनी के साथ घुल कर हमें ग्लूकोज देता है। अब सवाल ये भी हो सकता है कि ग्लूकोज तो मीठा नही होता फिर चीनी मीठी क्यों?  तो इसका उतर यह होगा की चीनी जब पानी में घुलती है तो ग्लूकोज के साथ साथ फ्रक्टोज भी बनता है जो चीनी के मीठेपन का कारण है। इस बात को और अच्छे से समझने के लिए हम रसायनिक बदलाव को रसायन की भाषा में देखते हैं:-

उपर लिखे समीकरण से हमने देखा की हमारे पूर्वज विज्ञान की कितनी अच्छी समझ रखते हैं। 

अब एक सवाल जो आपके दिमाग में आया होगा कि समीकरण में एक ही समान रासायनिक सुत्र का अलग अलग नाम क्यों? इसका कारण रसायनिक संरचना है। दोनों की रसायनिक संरचना में भिन्नता  नीचे चित्र में देखी जा सकती है। 

Note:- when sugar mixed with water is not a chemical reaction. 


Shivam kumar ojha


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Definition of science, Physics, chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, Biology, botany and zoology

Definition of science and its main branches:-

Here you will get the definitions of many important subjects.If you are a good student or you want to become a good student. You have to start with definitions and try to understand hidden meanings given in definition. Trust me understanding of definitions provide you the basic concepts and most important you enjoy your subject. Let go through some definitions:

1) Science

    The systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe,  based on observation, experiment and measurement,and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms. 


    Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behaviour through space and time,  and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behave.


   Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions their composition, structure, properties, behaviour and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. 

4 )Organic Chemistry : 

    This is branch of chemistry that studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds, which contain Carbon in covalent bonding. Study of structure determines their chemical composition and formula. Study of properties includes physical and chemical properties, and their behaviour. The study of organic reactions includes the chemical synthesis of natural products, drugs, and polymers, and the study of individual organic molecules in the laboratory and via theoretical study. 

5) Inorganic chemistry :-

    The branch of chemistry that deals with the study of compunds, which does not consist of carbon-hydrogen bond in it, is call Inorganic chemistry (very simple Definition) and Inorganic compunds comprise most of the earth's crust,  although the compositions of the deep mantle remain active areas of investigation. 


   Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organism, including their physical structure, chemical process, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. 

7) Botany:-

    Botany, also called plant science, plant biology or phytology, is the science of plants life and a branch of biology. Traditionally, botany has also included the study of fungi and algae by mycologists and phycologists respectively. 

8) Zoology:-

   Zoology is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habbits and distribution of all animals both living and extinct and how they interact with their ecosystem. 

  Note:-These subjects are chosen by me. Here my aim is not gave you a list of definitions which made you bored. But giving you a sight of seeing your subject from very basic level. These definitions provide you the things that you have to study in your subjects. So,  whatever your subject always take a look on definition and after that carry on your subject.

No doubt their are some words used in the definition which wants more exploration. So,  try yourself to find the meaning of that words written in your subject's definition.


  Shivam kumar ojha

(Main source: Wikipedia and some well known dictionary in the world)

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Biology with Physics, chemistry and Mathematics

Connection of Mathematics, Physics,  Chemistry with Biology:

Today I amd here with a whole new subject, biology.Commonly most of student think Biology is a subject in which we read zology and Botany. But Biology is beacome vast with the help of other subjects as Maths,  physics,  chemistry and others. And also clear one thing if you didn't want to involve these subjects you can't be a good biology student beacuse biology is deeply connected with these subjects and you stuck in many chapters with use mathematicians, Physics,  Chemistry in biology. So, in today's topic I tries my best to gave you a right way to think about biology. I suggest you to take a pen copy with you.
A term DNA, is most common and important in biology. This term contain physics, chemistry, mathematics in  interseting way. 
As you know a DNA molecule contain four bases

1) Adenine(A)

 2) Cytosine(C)



These four bases are cause a DNA molecule. What is the probability in universe for combining these bases in right way to form DNA. I am not going so deep in this question but I gave you a idea if we consider 10 factors for conbinig this molecules in right ration then there is 1 situation from the 10! that cause a DNA. Here you see how physucs and mathematics are connected in this topic. Now,  after this How this four molecules are connected? What is nature of bond between them?  These questions are answered by Chemistry very easily and after all these mind blowing process we get our common DNA and futher work is done in biology as you known more than me. Further, For  Diffrenciate  between two DNA molecule we use Newton- Fourier series for 3rd dimension.
Now if you geeting bored take simple example, Photosynthesis .


The process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms activities. 
Here the reaction
Carbon dioxide +water --> sugar + oxygen

More deeply:

The above equation is not balanced. Balance this equation by the use of mathematics 😁.These all interconnectio of chemistry,physics,mathematics made Biology hard, interesting, smart and beautiful. So,  please always go  deep in topic as much possible for your level. Now I end this topic with a question
What is the molecular formula of chlorophyll.?


                Shivam kumar ojha

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Definition of mathematics

The very basic definition of Mathematics is " Mathematics is a launguage of science. " In this definition, mathematicians consider the math as a launguage which helps science to become more broader and deeper. No,  doubt this definition is quite accurate. But here we see a another view of Mathematics and other definitions which made mathematics more than we think. Before going further in this topics,  let take same example to illustrate that mathematics is not only a launguage. It is a separate subject and also the maker of different subjects or in the joke form mathematics is a naughty boy which interfere in every subject. Let talk about probability.If you are a mathematics student of intermediate or above then you know this dangerous subject ( just joking). What you think about this? This is a new expect of seeing things. Probability as a mathematics does many and many problems solution. But as we know the nature of mathematics it interfere in other subject like physics, chemistry, biology, zology, cosmology, astronomy, and specially quantum physics. By this example  you will get my point what I am want to illustrate. So, Now we have done the work which is needed before going through the definitions of mathematics written by the great ones. Please, read all these definitions between the lines and feel the broadness of mathematics.script data-ad-client="pub-8255836154742042" async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication .com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js">



Mathematics has no generally accepted definition. 

1) Aristotle defined mathematicis as : The science of quantity.
2)The science of indirect measurement..  ---AUGUSTE COMTE. 
3) mathematics is the science that draws necessary conclusions.  --Benjamin Peirce. 
4)The abstract science which investigates deductively the conclusion implicit in the elementary conceptions of spatial and numerical relations,  and which includes as its main division geometry, arithmetic and algebra.    ---Oxford English Dictionary. 

Some playful, metaphorical and poetic definitions:

1) A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there.  --- Charles Darwin

2) A mathematician like a painter or poet is a maker of patterns.  If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. --G H Hardy

After reading all this i hope now you think mathematics more broader and more interesting. Thanks. 


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Courses from IIT You should know about this.

Courses from IITs

You should know about this:

Many of student of 12th and above classes knows that only B. Tech and M.Tech program offerd by IIT. but this is not full truth, No doubt these two courses is major course from IIT and most popular but there are more other program are held in IIT. Now I am going to list here some program from IIT.

Undergraduate program:

1) Bechlor of Technology (B. Tech)  in many streams

2) Bechlor of science (B.S) in Physics, Chemistry, and Economics.

Dual Degree program:

1) B.S and M. S ( Physics) 

Post graduate program:

1)M.Tech( mater of technology 
2) MBA( Master of buisness administration) 
3)M.Sc(Master of science) 
4)M.des(Master of Design)
5) PGDIT( Post graduate Diploma in Information Technology. 
6)MMST(Master in medical science& Technology) 
7)MCP(Master of city planning) 
8) MA( Master of arts) 
9)PGDIPL(Post graduate Diploma in Intelectual property law. 
10) PGDMOM( post graduate diploma in maritime operation & Management) 

How to get admission in these courses:

Admission to masters programs in engineering are made using scores of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) , while those to masters program in science are made using scores of the Joint Admission Test exam to M. Sc(JAM).

After all I want to say that all IIT always add more programs every year so Be update and use Google for all those uodates. 
Best Of Luck
            Shivam kumar ojha

Mathematics and scope for student

Hello ,  Friends I,  shivam kumar ojha B. Sc from DDU university and want to beacome a resercher in the field of Mathematics. Many students thinks that there are less opportunity in field of mathematics. But trust me friends There are equal number of opportunities in mathematics that of the other interesting subjects.Before writing more on this topic. Let me clear you that any field which you choose for become successful you have to update with that subject and always try to be perfect in that field. If you are loose in your own field then there was no opportunity for you. Now get to point again,  if you really like math and problems and if you take maths as a Religion then none one can tempt you to add the title of "Mathematician  " before your name.  Now we start from the start of mathematics . After you passes intermediate exam you always tried to beacome an iitian but unluckly if you failed then without taking any stress join any graduation programme containing mathematics and read all the theorems. And focus on the concepts always read standard book in soft or hard copy. And go through the proof. After completing graduation many doors for beacome successfull are open. You can apply for master's programme or for integrated Phd programme in our prestigious reserch institutes like TIFR, ISI, CMI,  IISC, NISAR, IIT JAM, and many other institute. Many of this institute provide you a good income for reserch with that institute. If you not qualified for this exams don't worry it happes. Move on,  now you can appy for UPSC and also other state level exam of Group A with optional subject mathematics and take more and more number in this subject. But as you known that UPSC is one of the toughest exam in India. If you not qualified the upsc. Move on bro, take a masters degree from any university and site in GATE examination and does M. Tech form IITs and other. And take a big package from the Companeys . If you dont qualified the GATE exam left it come to the next topic. Now you can do B. Ed from and recognize university and clear TET or CTET and beacome a government teacher in any vaccacy.  I think you definitely clear one of the above thing and beacome a very good mathematician. But after that if you not get any government job get into the private schools you normally get paid in the range of 10 k to 50k for teaching mathematics. I clear one more thing that many small areas i left hear so be updated with your subject as i started. Now the question to beacome successfull. If you are a good person, kuch nd person and help other in difficulties then you are a true successful Man.  Best of luck. 
Thanks for reading. 
          Shivam ojha